Donor Diversity.
Ensuring a diverse blood donor pool is a critical priority for the blood community.
A diverse donor pool is important because blood goes beyond common blood types: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-. There are actually 60 different blood group system.

Why We Need Ethnically Diverse Blood
Blood type is inherited; therefore, a compatible donor is often someone of a similar ethnic background.
One of the most important and persistent complications of blood transfusion is red blood cell (RBC) alloimmunization. When a patient is exposed to RBC antigens that differ from their own they can form alloantibodies to these foreign antigens.
Minority populations who require chronic transfusion are at particularly high risk of alloimmunization when the blood donor population does not share the same ancestral background, resulting in exposure to non-self RBC antigens.
Rare Blood types: Blood that lacks a common antigen that is common in the general population can make blood rare.
African Ancestry Rare Blood
MNS System
2% Prevalence
Anti-U Can cause mild to severe transfusion reactions and hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN)
Rh System
1% Prevalence
Anti-hrS can cause no to fatal transfusion reactions.
3% Prevalence
Generally not clinically significant.
Ro Blood
Only found in 4% of donors and may be vital for the many patient with sickle cell disease.
Kell System
20% Prevalence
Anti-Jsb can cause mild to moderate/delayed transfusion reactions and mild to severe HDFN.
Duffy System
68% Prevalence
Polynesian, Pacific Island and Asian
Kidd System
Jk(a-b-) or JKnull
Prevalence 0.9%
Can cause no to severe transfusion reactions.
Chinese Ethnicity and Thai Ethnicity
MNS System
The prevalence in Chinese ethnicity is 7% and 10% in Thai ethnicity.
Anti-Mur has the potential to cause severe hemolytic transfusion reactions and HDFN.
Southeast Asia
H system
H- or Bombay (Oh)
The frequency is 1 in 10,000.
The individuals lack A, B, or H antigens.
Anti-H can trigger a severe transfusion reaction.
South Americans
Diego System
Prevalence is rare but may be more prevalent in this population.
MNS System
Up to 88% in some indigenous people
Anti-Mur has the potential to cause severe hemolytic transfusion reactions and HDFN.
Rh System
Prevalence is <5 in 10,000
Diego System
Prevalence is rare but may be more prevalent in this population.
Gerbich System
Ge:-2, -3
May be up to 50-90%
P1PK System
Anti-PP1Pk is a rare antibody (5.8 per million people). In the Amish population the incidence is approximately 1 in 5000 individuals. This antibody can cause immediate hemolytic transfusion reactions and early spontaneous abortions..
Indian System
Prevalence is rare but may be more prevalent in this population.